
In the Belly of the Whale and Other True Stories: A Writers’ Workshop

What makes for an engaging narrative? What elements of storytelling—either memoir or fiction—help your work seem compelling and true?  In this six-week writing class, you will be given weekly exercises and readings to help you create either strong fiction or memoir. We will cover the basic elements of writing narratives: scene and summary, imagery, backstory, story movement, and beginnings and endings. Class will be conducted as a supportive workshop where your work will be read and discussed. Instructor will provide interesting hard candy.

Instructor: Sari Rosenblatt

Six Mondays:  November 7, 14, 21, 28; December 5, 12 | 5:30–7:30 P.M.
Wasch Center Butterfield Room | $125 | Limited to eight students

This course is full and closed to further registrations. Please contact our office if you would like to be added to the waitlist.

Sari Rosenblatt
SARI ROSENBLATT has won the PEN New England New Discovery Award in Fiction, the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Fiction, the Glimmer Train Short Story Award, and the New Millennium Prize in Fiction. Her stories have appeared in many literary journals. She has taught at the University of Iowa, where she holds an MFA from the Writers’ Workshop. In recent years she has taught at the Green Street Arts Center and in the Continuing Studies Program at Wesleyan. Currently she teaches at the Educational Center for the Arts in New Haven.